promote biodiversity AT Bellefontaine


While we are experiencing a great crisis of biodiversity, mainly linked to human activities: destruction and fragmentation of natural habitats, introduction of invasive species, pollution, hunting and intensive fisheries … each parcel of land is an opportunity to promote biodiversity and curb its erosion.

Indeed, according to IPBES, an intergovernmental platform on biodiversity and ecosystem services, one million animal and plant species (out of 8 million estimated) are in danger of extinction and the process is only accelerating.




Biodiversity breeds biodiversity. Indeed, a significant diversity of plants in an ecosystem is accompanied by a significant diversity of insects, birds and other small animals that will feed or nest. It also generates a diversity of earthworms, bacteria and fungi, essential elements for the decomposition of soil and organic matter (dead organisms, residues of plants or animals …). An environment rich in biodiversity is a healthy and resilient environment.

With this in mind, HISA accompanies the Château de Bellefontaine, located in Baron near to Bordeaux (FRANCE), in its mission to promote biodiversity through development and sustainable management of its area.

Our missions :

  • Make an inventory of all species groups that inhabit Bellefontaine,
  • Put in place amenities for biodiversity,
  • Protect the most endangered species, such as Barn Swallows,
  • Monitor the populations living in Bellefontaine.

Le château de Bellefontaine :

Le château de Bellefontaine, qui s’étend sur une cinquantaine d’hectares, est un véritable havre de paix pour une grande diversité d’espèces. Devenu réserve de chasse (10 Ha) dans le but de protéger les mammifères qui parcourent le domaine, le château de Bellefontaine accentue ses efforts de préservation de la biodiversité. En effet, le domaine, actuellement en pleine rénovation, a fait appel à HISA afin d’y intégrer des aménagements en faveur de la biodiversité et assurer par la suite la  gestion durable du site.